Quick Installation Guide

Installing From Precompiled Packages

if you have an .rpm package, run the following as root:

% rpm --install packagefile.rpm

if you have a .deb package, run the following as root:

% dpkg --install packagefile.deb

Installing From Compiled Source

If you have compiled from source (see 'Compiling from Source'), you can install by doing the following as root:

% make install
% ldconfig 

If you use --prefix to the ./configure script, you may not need to be root: but you may need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include lib and PATH environment to include bin.

If you don't even want to make install you can just add gdam/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Then run the client and server separately.

Running Gdam

If you have fully installed gdam onto your system, the server should automatically be launched when you run gdam-launcher, so it is a one step process.

Often it is easier to run the client and server separately:

In that case it is recommended to use two separate terminal windows to run the commands. In the first window:
% gdam-server --config /etc/gdam/server.config
Sometimes the --debug flag will print out useful information, especially if things aren't going well.

In the second window,

% gdam-launcher
It should pop up, using the first window's server.

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